What is Lifestyle Financial Planning?

Lifestyle Financial Planning – Strategic guidance towards a dream lifestyle and a secure future.


From our 20 years experience, the one thing that I have learned is that people want to keep their lifestyle and possibly improve on it if they can afford to.

We regularly come across business owners (In particular) that are chained to their businesses, with little or no time off, probably in a strong position financially but they are working very hard. No one advised them how to run their business so it can set them free, yes set them free!

We help our clients to enjoy the life they want both now and going forward, Lifestyle Financial Planning is about you and not the money.

We build it (Financial Planning), fund it (Investment management), and ensure you stick to it (behavioural coaching).

The focus of Lifestyle Financial Planning is set on these key questions:

  • “When will I have enough money to stop doing what I don’t like to do and start doing what I’ve ever wanted to do?”
  • “What do I need to do to become financially independent so I can choose not to work if I wish?”.

  • “How can I assure my family’s financial security, no matter what happens?”

  • And the most important question: “How do I know if I have enough?”

One thing we know is that time is short, it is the one asset that gets spent without a second thought, but it is the one asset which is non-replaceable. We do not have the right to advise you on your finances until we have found out why money is important to you.

To find out more:

Contact Us

Call us today to find out more on 01 8027669/70 or email m.dempsey@financialarchitects.ie to book an appointment.

Serenity and Definition

In essence, lifestyle financial planning aims to offer you the necessary definition and serenity in your finances. This plan will enable you to achieve and sustain the lifestyle you’ve been craving until your last days. Most notably, it allows you to live your life comfortably without the worry of ever running out of funds.

We build it (Financial Planning), fund it (Investment management), and ensure you stick to it (behavioural coaching).

Simple but not Easy. That is what we do.

We ask our clients very tough questions to find out about them, to find out what is on their mind at 4am, to find out what they wish to achieve or experience with their lives.

How to become a client?

Getting started is easy! Click below to contact us and take the first step to financial freedom.

Contact Us


The value of your investment may go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invest.
Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance.
These funds may be affected by changes in currency exchange rates.